Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Mission Statement


  1. I aim to live life through my faith. To compete with myself in every aspect and encourage others to do the same. To strive to be the best daughter, sister, friend, and student. I hope to positively impact the lives of family, friends, and peers through respect, an open heart, listening ears, and acceptance. To share my happiness with others. To uphold my values and morals through any circumstances. Ultimately, I want to be a leader and an inspiration by being a positive influence, and encouraging others through integrity.

  2. I deeply care about everyone and everything. I am comfortable with who I am and enjoy meeting people from all walks of life. My strong morals are the foundation of my actions. I am guided by and live through my strong faith. I live with energy and optimism. I enjoy leading through my positive actions. I love that the sports I play teach life-long lessons, and I believe Arapahoe High School is where I am meant to be. I work extremely hard to go after what I want. I regret regretting; therefore, I work hard not to have regrets by living life with purpose, passion, and concern for others.
    Love the journey.

  3. I am open minded. Always ready to try new things, clean things. I accept near all challenges because often times what we learn from each challenge is something we'd never expect to learn. I believe in a never ending quest for knowledge, whether it be about others, myself, or typical school material. I feel with each new person we reach out to not only are we helping them, but we are helping numerous people through a chain reaction; however, the same principle applies in a negative direction. I believe in God and I'm not ashamed to admit it, but I still respect those who don't. I enjoy being there for people when they need someone, and even when they don't. Ironically I believe that my problems are not meant to be others burdens and so I am very closed off about my issues. And ultimately I believe our thoughts have much more power than we credit them.

  4. I strive to live my faith out each and every day. In living my faith out, I try to love others as much as I can and be selfless. I love being around people, meeting new people, and getting to know people on a deeper level so that I can understand them. I will talk with anyone anywhere. I believe that we can learn so much from those around us and so I cherish the people that come into my life. I am very open with people because I strongly believe that my mistakes and falls can be used to benefit and encourage others. Things that I enjoy, I do with immense courage and passion. I do not get worried over losing a race or failing a test because I keep my eyes on the big picture. Although I enjoy the moment I am in, nothing gets me excited like the thought of having a perfect, unknown future in the hands of God.

  5. I will go with my gut, while not forgetting my head. I will reimburse when I’m due, and pay it forward—no matter what. I’ll admit that I’m wrong and understand the right. I will roll with the punches and be open to the outcome, even the unfavorable. I won’t mobilize an army for petty problems. I’ll put my walls up but have a sledgehammer ready. I will ask questions until full comprehension. I won’t circumnavigate challenges, but rather charge them and learn everything I can. I will sit and listen for hours if I need to. I will finish that race, hike, test, job, or paragraph; and hold out my platter for more. When it’s time to pass, the knowledge, relationships, and experiences gained throughout my life will reassure me it’s alright to go. (But I’ll never go softly into that good night).

  6. To balance competition with humility and expect the unexpected in order to live a life for others.

  7. When I die, I want to be remembered as the girl who changed a life for the better. I don't care if I change one, or every single person I meet, that is my goal. I try my very hardest to help everyone I meet. I hope to make a big impact, but even just a small change will make me feel accomplished. I am deeply and easily humbled by many things, and I think that helps me on my journey because I realize just how bad life can get, and I know how to learn from those bad moments, days, or even years. I am compassionate and accepting, and everything I do has a purpose behind it.

  8. More than anything else, I aspire to leave a significant mark on others lives before I die. I challenge myself to get out of my comfort zone at least once a day and lead others. I strive to become more of the person I wish to be. More positive, energetic, and bold. I do not want to be the typical American. In other words, I want to be more motivated and enthralled by nature than by money. I want to help others and live a life that is not constricted by societal pressures or patterns, but one completely of my own choosing. Ultimately, I want to nourish my mind, body, and soul as well as the minds, bodies, and souls of those that need nourishing.

  9. I aim to live my life each day with an open mind. I strive to rid my life of judgment and to be accepting of everyone around me. I achieve this by continually having a positive outlook on life. I love being happy and I value others’ happiness more than my own. I challenge myself to constantly reach out to people around me, and help them in any way. I believe love and happiness are contagious and I wish the world had just a little more of both. In the end, I want to know I have had an impact on the world, whether small or large. I want to leave the world with a smile.

  10. I live my life in order to...
    Positively impact every person I come into contact with
    Live my faith and standards through everything I do
    Work my hardest to achieve all I am capable of doing
    Always strive to leave someone better than when I found them
    Constantly rise above the crowd and stand for what I know is right
    Lead by example with pure integrity
    Unconditionally love others without forming judgements
    Treat every soul with the respect they deserve
    Live every second in accordance to my hopes for my future
    Do not do anything that will embarrass myself, my family, nor my team
    Strive for perfection, yet understand perfection sometimes is unachievable
    Change the world one person at a time

  11. I strive...I strive to take what is given to me in each situation, good or bad and run with it for the better, to leave a positive impact upon others let it be one or each person I meet, to be remembered in a way I remeber the ones dear to me, to live a life free of judgment and to have an open mind about each individual that may come upon my path, to keep my words kind, to admit when I am in the wrong, learn from my past, and understand the right, to never let a door completly shut when it may fly back open, and to live a life with purpose behind each action and to leave it with a content mind.

  12. I strive to…
    Inspire others in what I do
    Share my smile with people around me
    Get to know the person before making judgments
    Always meet new people
    Defy limits
    Help others when in need
    Be the best leader possible
    Always challenge myself
    Do what I do best-sharing my laughter with others,
    and last but not least-to have fun in life.

  13. I drive myself to do what is best for others even if that may not be what is best for me. If i can look at someone else and say, "I would take a bullet for them," it is mission accomplished. I drive myself to be a competitor in all walks of life... and hopefully a winning competitor for the most part. I know that changing one person's life usually is more beneficial than blending into the crowd of many, so I try to be that life changer. I will be happy and uplifting in an effort to support those around me. I will do anything for the people I love. And ultimately, every step I take and every move I make is for the most high God that I serve. Amen.

  14. I believe that everything happens for a reason. I believe that God has a plan for my life beyond my wildest dreams. I believe that every person I meet and every encounter I have makes an impact on my life. I strive to be a caring and compassionate person and always look on the bright side of things. I want my sisters to look up to me, I want my parents to be proud of me and most importantly I want to honor God in my actions.

  15. I am strong. I have overcome obstacles and forgiven myself for my past. I hope to live my life making every decision with my future in mind. I want to meet every new face with a smile and positive attitude, and to commit entirely to my faith. I am at terms with the fact that I am not perfect, and am not sure if I even believe in perfection. I believe more in the power of motivation and integrity, and hope to maintain my morals and values throughout the rest of my life. My ultimate goal is to leave a footprint on the lives of every person I meet throughout this journey.

  16. My mission is to help others. To be as caring and as thoughtful with every word I breathe. It is to spend my time boosting the confidence of others. I want to make an impact; a positive impact. Clichés become clichés because enough people thought they were true, and so I write that it beyond doubt is the little things in life that make the difference. A single smile in the hallway can give a person happiness to flourish throughout the day. My mission is to be that smile

  17. My mission is to live with an open mind and an open heart. To accept and understand differences, never exclude, and to find something to love about everyone I meet. To forgive and to find strength within myself and to help others do the same. To live a life of balance and to create joy.

  18. My mission is…
    *To strive to do my best in every task (although at times I may fall short)
    *To realize obstacles always have a reason, and to have patience to wait for the reason
    *To assist others in any way I can, mainly through giving of my time
    *To continue to grow in my faith
    *To strengthen current relationships and seek out new ones that bring me happiness
    *To positively impact those that I encounter
    *To be a good family member, friend, and role model

  19. In my lifetime I want to...
    -Maintain strong and healthy relationships with the people who are close to me.
    -Strive to preserve my love for life and individuality.
    -Be proud of what I attempt in my life.
    -Remember I am not supposed to be perfect all the time.
    -Try my hardest at anything I do but keep in mind that everything does happen for a reason and some things are out of my control.
    -Continue in my following of Christ as my Lord and Savior.

  20. I want to be know as:
    -someone who creates a great life off of he success
    -grows from her mistakes
    -has the wellbeing of her community in mind
    -A hard worker at her job and at home
    -a great mom and wife who always thinks most about her family

  21. I want to be someone who...
    -Sees others for who they are, flaws and all, and accepts them
    -Remembers there is a second side to every story, and that first impressions are never accurate
    -Never lets my emotions be ruled by others
    -Does not slack off if I know I can succeed
    -Is fearless
    -Accepts myself
    -Is remembered for the right reasons

  22. My mission is to live a life that sets an example for other people, which challenges other people to become better. I want to challenge myself to never settle for being simply mediocre, but exceed expectations. One thing I want in my life is for someone that I don’t know at all to come up to me and say thank you for whatever I am doing, because it somehow influenced them in such a positive way. Most of all I want to do all this while using what I have been blessed with in order to glorify God.

  23. My mission in life is to learn how to love people, and learn how to love my creator. I want to grow in understanding of people; exploring various languages, cultures, governments, and works. I want to become a story teller, and consequently a story collector. I want to gain answers to questions, and create questions that have no answer earth can provide. I want to know myself better. I want to take this knowledge and become "a servant of people", a leader, dispersing this knowledge and love among people. And if I have done all this I may be content, but in all of these things I hope and pray that I give the credit to the original storyteller.

  24. YOLO. Just kidding guys, my mission statement is to have a good time and enjoy life. Currently way too many people are getting caught up in nonsense and stressing out. It's just dragging us down. If you're only going to live once then you better enjoy it. For me that entails finding joy in the things I do. After that everything else will work out, well probably.

  25. The purpose of my life is to:
    -be as kind and compassionate in my actions and words as possible
    -motivate others to do their very best in anything and everything
    -be the selfless friend everyone needs
    -help those in need of finding their true voice in this world
    -celebrate the little moments; for it is the little moments that -make life memorable
    -cherish every breath taken
    -and treasure every word spoken

  26. I will find meaning in life through:
    -seeing the positive even through the negative
    -bringing laughter to those who need it
    -keeping a consistent temperament
    -being honest with others when the truth is necessary, even when it may hurt myself or others
    -being honest with myself
    -doing things that I want to do rather than what others want me to do
    -just letting it rage

  27. I strive to live a life full of opportunity. My goal is to learn and grow through experience as well as live life with a little bit of adventure. My mission is to stay passionate about what I do and life in general. I try to stay involved and challenge myself while maintaining the balance. Most importantly I try to always be optimistic and sincere in my words as well as my actions.

  28. My mission in life is to bring joy to as many people as I can. I want to put those I love before myself, and learn to love as many as I can. I strive to always find the best in people, and let them find the best in me. I strive to enjoy every moment of life, the good and the bad. I strive to learn from all that life throws at me, to enjoy life for all the wonderful things it brings, and inspire others to do the same.

  29. I strive to gain confidence and accept myself as a person a little more each day. I will work hard to maintain and strengthen relationships with my peers and most importantly, my family. I will put my heart and soul into everything that is thrust upon me in life. I will try not to stress about the little things and live in the moment. I hope to always respect where I come from and my general morality as a human being. My weaknesses will slowly evolve into my strengths and my life will be lived with wide-open arms. Regrets will no longer linger within my thoughts and mistakes will be embraced. I will remind myself that everything happens for a reason and the best is yet to come.

  30. I wish to maintain a life in which I'm conscious of my surrounding enviorment such that I can impact others by inputting my thoughts but also being able to absorb and learn for situations that are unfamiliar with so that I can expand my horizons. I also like to try to be a role model character not because I'm the best at something but rather because I'm the hardest worker and try to be the most dedicated as much as humanly possible. I strive to find myself in a place where I want to be and that I enjoy rather than always follow the crowd/norm.

  31. My mission statement is always changing. The foundation is solid but the supports shift as I grow and learn from day to day. This week the supports have been tested and shifted more than expected. I give my all to be a light to all those around me. In order to do this, self confidence is imperative. I would not have any self confidence if I sought for it in the wrong places. I seek my affirmation in Jesus. He makes me strong and gives me value, purpose, and joy. All I really want to do is spread that love that I have in my heart, not by forcing my religion on other people, but by loving other people and giving them the tiniest sip of the huge glass of water that overflows into me. I strive to lead. I have lead by example in the past, but my goal is to step out of my comfort zone and grow as a person into a more vocal leader. I want to make the best of every moment, every conversation that I have with people. Relationships are the heart of my mission.

  32. My purpose in life is to: be honest
    keep my words pure, speak with maturity, and listen graciously
    accept others for who they are
    create positivity, and encouragement for the people who surround me
    engage in relationships
    and continuously grow into myself, and improve every chance I get

  33. My mission is to live my life as myself, and how I see myself, not how someone else sees me or wants me to be. I live unsteady, I am weak and I frustrate myself, but I also do great things in my time spent here and expect more than could ever be from myself. I grow and learn from the courage and strength of others. I often don't help myself when I need to, and instead I help others. I find their fears and pain instead of my own. I suppose I am a people pleaser. I accept who I am and grow everyday. There are things I need to change, but nothing can happen over night. Tomorrow is a new day. Next year is a new life.

  34. I want to be known as a person who has been an example for Christ by living differently. By this, I mean that I want to be living out my faith every day, and not just saying that I do. By doing this, others can notice what it means to truly have a relationship with God. I want to be there for others when they need it, and be a mentor for those that are struggling. I believe that I have been through things for the very reason that I can help people who are in similar situations. I want to be known as a kind, patient, and understanding person who came through on every promise I made. When I leave this world, I hope to have made a difference, even if in some small way. To know that I made at least one person's life easier, would make me happy.

  35. I am second.
    God is the center of my life and I aim to live in faith not only willing but ready to do His will.
    To be an example in speech, character, attitude, and spirit.
    To share His love.
    To be challenged and challenge others.
    To serve with intent.
    To be an instrument.
    To be comfortable outside of my comfort zone.
    To be real.
    And overall, to be second in everything I do.

  36. I want to be known as the girl who embraced her uniqueness. I want to let others see that being weird is a positive quality and the qualities that make you unique are the ones that attract others to you. I want to become confident in myself so that I can look in the mirror and see true beauty and then show others that beauty comes in many forms. My mission is to make everyone feel like they fit in and understand that there are no two people with nothing in common. My purpose is to show others that you do not have to change yourself to connect with others. The true you is the person they all want to see.

  37. The purpose of my life is hard for me to put into words because I am still not sure about my true impact. I strive to do the best I can and push others to be their best. I am not posting this so late because I forgot, it is because I spent so much time trying to perfect what I was going to say and it still isn't what I want. I stay true to my beliefs and values. I try to challenge myself each day and challenge my friends and family. My mission is to be a leader by my confidence and hope people will be confident because of me. My mission is to expand my knowledge and always keep a positive and open outlook. My mission is to not live with regrets. I have been through a lot in my short 18 years of life. I have watched as countless friends and family members took their own life because they were not satisfied, so I push myself to be more than I can imagine and in dim times always find a silver lining. I pride myself in being the person to always turn a negative comment into a positive one. I am thoughtful and drive. I strive to be like my mother. I say what i want and what I mean. I never beat around the bush. I am good at working with pace kids so I pride myself in my future occupation of working with the special needs population. I am so much but I want to be so much more. You could say I have no mission statement and its because I am still working on it and I may not ever know. So here was my attempt at a week of struggle trying to find my words.

  38. Mission Statement:
    I want to be someone who gets along with everyone. I won’t be judgmental. I want to be helpful and considerate towards others and to be someone who isn't afraid to be themselves. I will stand up for what I believe in but also respect other people’s opinions. I want to be loving and generous but not taken advantage of. I will help people learn and grow while being encouraging and positive.
